China Economic and Social Council

The China Economic and Social Council (CESC) is a non-profit organization that brings together social and economic agencies, research institutions and enterprises in China. It consists of experts and scholars in the fields of economy and social studies and executives and managers of relevant organizations.

It has now four committees, namely, Economic Affairs Committee, Social Affairs Committee, Environmental Affairs Committee, Foreign Affairs Committee, as well as six working groups, respectively on China Economic and Social Forum, AICESIS, China-EU Round Table, China-Latin America Economic and Technical Cooperation, China-Africa Economic and Technical Cooperation, and Cultural Exchange.

There are one Chairman, 14 Vice-Chairpersons, and 214 members. Mr. Wang Gang, Member of the Political Bureau of the 17th CPC Central Committee and Vice Chairman of the 11th National Committee of the CPPCC, was elected Chairman of the CESC on April 3, 2009 and has been in the office to date. The Secretary-General is the legal person representative of the CESC.

Since its establishment on July 2, 2001 in Beijing, the CESC has made great contributions in promoting the coordinated development of China’s economy and society , studying and offering consulting services for the harmonious society construction, and realized a series of important achievements. As a full member of the International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (AICESIS) and a member of the Board, the governing body of the AICEISIS,the CESC has taken an active role in the AICESIS through strengthening the communication and cooperation with its members and economic and social research institutions from other countries and made contributions to improving mutual understanding, consolidating traditional friendship and promoting common development between China and relevant countries and the world.