During May 28 to 31, 2024, headed by Rev. Xu Xiaohong, Vice President of CCRP, and President of National Committee of TSPM, with Ven.Shi Kuanyun, Ven.Tang Chengqing, Imam Jin hongwei, and Rev.Lei shiyin, members of CCRP, Mr.Lacan, SG of CCRP, attended ACRP 2024 EC Meeting in Sri Lanka, reviewing the annual work report and financial report of ACRP in 2023, and work plan and budget in 2024, as well as the preparation work for ACRP 2026 Assembly. Ven.Xu Xiaohong delivered closing remarks at the EC meeting, and guest speech at the public peace forum, and other CCRP members had deep exchanges with other attendees.