Deng Zongliang, Executive Vice President of CCRP, and Karam, Secretary General of RfP-International, Had Bilateral Video Conference

http://www.cppcc.gov.cn/ccrp    2022-10-18    source:CRRP

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On the evening of August 30th, Deng Zongliang, Vice Chairperson of the Committee on Ethnic and Religious Affairs of the National Committee of the CPPCC, and Executive Vice President of the China Committee on Religion and Peace (CCRP) had bilateral video conference with Karam, Secretary General of Religions for Peace (RfP-International) to exchange views on related issues. The conference achieved good results.

Deng Zongliang, Executive Vice President of CCRP, and Karam, Secretary General of RfP-International, had bilateral video conference