January 8-16, 2011, a Religious Delegation from Chinese Mainland, with Deng Zongliang, Advisor of CCRP, Dao Shuren, Vice President of CCRP and Vice President of China Buddhist Association,Wei Yuanqi, Deputy Secretary-General and Secretariat Office Director of CCRP, Liu Yuanlong, Deputy Secretary-General of CCRP and Vice President and Secretary-General of Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association, Ven. Ding Changyun, member of CCRP and Vice President of China Taoist Association, Adilijiang•Ajikelimu, member of CCRP and Vice President of China Islamic Association, and Rev.Kan Baoping, member of CCRP and Director-General of China Christian Council, paid a visit to Taiwan Island for inter-religious exchanges at the invitation of the Association of Religious Believers in Taiwan Region. The cross-straits delegation held an interfaith symposium themed Religions Serve the Society
The delegation with Ven. Zhang Cheng, Chairman of the Association of Religious Believers in Taiwan
The delegation with Master Hsing Yun of Fo Guang Shan Monastery
The delegation with Master Wei Chueh from Chuang Tai Chan Monastery