首页 >
- ·Notice on Closing of the Fourth Session of the 12th CPPCC National Committee
- ·Fourth Press Conference, March 11, Media Center
- ·关于全国政协十二届四次会议3月10日小组讨论开放的通知
- ·Open-door Group Meeting on March 10
- ·Four Tips for Foreign Journalists Covering CPPCC Sessions
- ·Press Conference of the Fourth Session of the 12th CPPCC National Committee on March 11, 2016
- ·境外记者采访政协会议小贴士
- ·Press Conference of the Fourth Session of the 12th CPPCC National Committee on March 9, 2016
- ·全国政协十二届四次会议记者会公告
- ·Second Press Conference on March 7 at Media Center
- ·关于全国政协十二届四次会议3月7日小组讨论开放的通知
- ·Open-door Group Meetings on March 7
- ·Open-door Group Meetings on March 6
- ·关于3月6日小组讨论开放的通知
- ·First Press Conference, March 6, GHP
- ·Notice on CPPCC Group Meetings Open to the Journalists from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Foreign Countries
- ·关于3月5日小组讨论开放的通知
- ·关于3月4日小组讨论开放的通知
- ·Notice on CPPCC Group Meetings Open to the Journalists from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Foreign Countries
- ·全国政协十二届四次会议开幕会记者注意事项
- ·Press Conference of the Fourth Session of the 12th CPPCC National Committee on March 7, 2016
- ·Press Conference of the Fourth Session of the 12th CPPCC National Committee on March 6, 2016
- ·Notice on Opening of the Fourth Session of the 12th CPPCC National Committee
- ·关于会议文件阅读系统的使用说明
- ·全国政协十二届四次会议内地记者采访须知
- ·Notice on CPPCC Press Conference
- ·全国政协十二届四次会议新闻发布会通知
- ·两会新闻中心正式开放
- ·全国两会欢迎中外记者采访